Anthony Milewski is back on the show to do a second interview. We dive into how he is navigating the markets during these uncertain times and discuss the opportunities he is seeing in business and the markets. We also get into the forces that are propelling the ESG movements into industries and boardrooms.
“These are going to be the biggest themes, themes around diversity and mining, having management teams and boards that represent society, which is to say we have 50% women in our society. Why should the board be 50%? Why is the racial diversity inside of mining not representative, globally, of the societies that are being mined in?” — @A_Milewski [0:15:32]
From dealings in Russia, to globally financing opportunities and taking top leadership positions in some well-known public companies, Anthony has got some great experience, insights, and opinions for us.
In this episode, we weave through a number of subjects, including where he is investing and why, his views on the prevailing markets, and his growing focus on decarbonization. He makes the point that, if you were to find four of the world’s most successful investors, you’ll get five opinions.
We also get into the topic of ESG investing and diversity in resource companies. We even touched on Greta Thunberg and her influence on the industry.
“What I, personally, see in the ESG movement is a realization that companies need to act responsibly, and not solely for profit.” — @A_Milewski [0:28:34]
Another topic of interest we discuss that is worth focusing on is Anthony’s point that the duration of capital for companies has materially changed. This is especially true for small-cap companies. The implications of this need to be understood by junior companies reaching out to engage and duke it out with investors because it’s just not what it used to be.
Enjoy this friendly and engaging conversation with Anthony Milewski!
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Anthony gives listeners a brief introduction of himself and his background.
How Anthony has been managing through the COVID-19 pandemic with his money pooled.
The GDXJ as a mid-tier stock, why it’s worthwhile to invest in as less experienced investor.
Anthony’s experience in a macro fund and his predictions for a post-COVID financial world.
Hedging for CEOs and CFOs raising capital for navigating the next 24 months during COVID.
Gender and racial diversity on boards and managements teams, as well as the responsibility to be carbon neutral.
Anthony’s interest in environmental issues, carbon credits, and carbon as a commodity.
If the price of carbon goes up, the price of pollution goes up, which disincentivizes companies.
Anthony’s perspective on how companies can embrace diversity and decarbonization.
The ESG movement realizes that companies need to act responsibly, not solely for profit.
How the duration of capital has changed and why it’s important for small companies.
Some of the advice Anthony gives companies, such as understanding digital marketing.
What Anthony likes outside of his professional life, like fly fishing, and what he is reading.
Cory and Anthony talk about financial scandals and conspiracy theories.